We are living / in the age / in which the pursuit of all values / other than / money, succes, fame, glamor / has either been discredited or destroyed. / MONEY, SUCCESS, FAME, GLAMOUR / for we are livining the Age of the Thing. -From the Party Monster Soundtrack
This Space is a natural reaction to the AGE of the THING.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

America's Next Top Model

Okay, I love this show. I think it's largely because the girls always have about three emotions: Cry, Complain and Puke. That's about it. And boy do they not get along. Next week, I will do a bigger deal on this, but my front runner right now is Nnenna, who immediately earned the nickname Nenema in my house.

I also wish the show would just decide to break it off completely with Janice Dickinson, the world's oldest supermodel according to one of the new contestants. I concur. Hell, I don't even think of her as a supermodel, since I had never heard of her before the show. It's not like she's Twiggy, a fashion icon/supermodel for all time. She might've been hot in her time, but now she's just out there.

More commentary next week, when my Idol writing duties relax.

Idolatry - The Boys are Back In Town - Mar 8

No link here. They don't really go anywhere useful. I'm also going to be a little briefer today, because I want to talk briefly about America's Next Top Model, which premiered last night. So, let's crank this one out.

First off, no applause for Paula again. Very strange. Big up for Simon and Randy, and only residual applause for Paula. What up with that? I have a theory on why Paula is so uncritical. Paula Abdul's strength as a performer was her dancing. In fact, it was her in. She was a Laker Girl and a choreographer before becoming a singing star. Her singing voice was more of a plus than her meal ticket. So, I believe her standard for who comes to Hollywood is anyone who can sing as well as she can, which is a low bar, in terms of pop stardom. By the time we weed down the Hollywood Invitees to a more manageable number, everyone is a better singer than Paula Abdul. So, I guess the remedy to the Paula situation is this: Remove her and install the musical equivalent of Janice Dickinson, a person who reached the top of the profession and is crazy. Since Mariah Carey's career is resurgent, I guess that rules her out, so maybe you can get Whitney Houston. Or Maybe Brittney Spears will be washed up enough by next year. I'm sure there are lesser lights who are just as crazy. It's gotta be a woman though.

I think Taylor won the evening. Not just because he sang Michael McDonald, which I said he should, but because he was actually better than anyone else on the show, last night. He's safe. Although he might dislocate something with his spastic dance moves. Dave Chappelle, this guy could be 5 minutes of material alone.

Chris turned in a solid performance of a boring song that didn't really do it for me. Simon called it self-indulgent. I dunno what he meant by that, but the song had a very repetitive chorus and didn't really move me. That said, I think he was the number two performer last night. Even with a lazy song choice, he's still very at home in his genre. I'm curious to see one out of the genre, in the interest of fairness since I'm always ripping on the country people for only singing country.

Another week, another solid Gedeon soul performance. More than his performances, I enjoy hearing him talk, particularly in the recorded sections. Straight out of a correspondance course on diction. Very out there. My wife thinks he comes off as "special." I dunno about that, but I enjoy it. Also his goofy painting. I think he was tied with Chris. Maybe I should work a tiering system. Yeah, okay. Ged and Chris are on the B level.

On the C level, Elliot and Bucky. Elliot can flat out sing anything. Every week, he sings something completely different, and every week, I enjoy hearing him sing. Even when he picks something that's not well suited for his voice, like Heaven, he still sings it well. If I had to pick one person on Idol to sing a randomly picked song from any genre, it's Elliot or Mandisa. Maybe that's a sign on how this should end. Elliot and Mandisa taking requests at the Karaoke Bar. Five random songs a piece. Winner take all. When I think of the competition like that, my faith in Chris falters a little. On the upside, that's not how it's decided.

Bucky has a twin, named Rocky. That was the most interesting part of Bucky's performance. I enjoy having his hick ass around, but the country songs are boring to the entire portion of the audience that doesn't care about country music. I dunno if that's most, but it's me. That said, I recognize quality and Bucky is pretty good in his chosen millieu. I think he's gonna get hammered if they force him out of the country styling, and he still has no chance to win this thing. But I think he gets another week of food he doesn't understand.

On the D level, there is Ace. Ace also apparently has a twin. I wonder if he's named Deuce. Ace sang a less than popular Michael Jackson song. People are going to argue the merits of falsetto singing, particularly on Ace. I think it worked for the following reason. He started this song in his normal register, which is only okay. He was off-key and pitchy until he got into the false. Going false forced him to control his voice tightly and to sing on key. When he dropped back to his normal register (which is still only average), he was much more in control of things and he finished strongly. Maybe going false forced him to think about what he was doing. I think Ace could go home this week, but probably won't. He wasn't the worst. Next week, if he survives, he needs to go on without the beanie. I think it's dopey. On the flip side, I don't have ovaries or any of the attendant hormones that go with them, so what do I know about Ace being sexy or not.

Kevin is also on the D level. He finally sang something by a white guy and I think he sang it well. But there are a couple of major problems here that no one really seems to want to talk about. Lemme see if I can get them all out:
  1. He lisps when he sings
  2. He still wants to sing inappropriate gangsta songs (I know Kanye isn't gangsta, but compared to Kevin Covais, Yanni is gangsta)
  3. His normal singing tone is a little reedy
  4. The verasimilitude issue
  5. The verasimilitude issue
I can't overstate the last two. When you look like you are 12, singing about being wronged (Grapevine last week) or about a fond remembrance of a long dead dutch painter (Starry Starry Night) it just doesn't ring real. I think this is a major issue that no one is really gonna talk about. Hell, Randy talks about him being gangster, which is a bigger joke than Paula. I think Kevin probably goes home this week, and if not this week, then in the next two.

On the STONE COLD LOCK LEVEL, all by himself is Will. Will has a major problem. It has nothing to do with his Brady looks. Or verasimilitude. It's really this. His normal singing voice just isn't that pleasant to listen to. It isn't unpleasant, but there is something in the timber of his voice that just doesn't do it for me. And he sang a boring song in a boring way. He's technically proficient with what he has, but what he has isn't that good. Stone Cold Lock. Bet the house.

Idolatry - Girls Gone Wild - Mar 7 - Part 2

Okay, I just wanted to revisit the ladies, since Fox was kind enough to put the photos up. I think it helps clarify what I was talking about. So, in no particular order, let's work it.

First up, Squinty, the 50 ft Woman. There was a picture of her standing next to Seacrest, who is not tall. He was around boob level next to her. Very weird looking. And the outfit only maximizes and emphasizes her freakish height. I guess that's what she was going for.

One last thing to note here. For the people who don't get why I call her Squinty, check out the face here. Very Squinty.

Okay, Here's Mandisa from Tuesday Night's show. Yep, every woman is inside of her. I think she had about three for lunch. Damn, I'm evil. I will burn in Hell. Good thing I don't believe in Hell. Also, I don't think it matters. You can be overweight and famous, especially if you are a black woman. Check out Martha Wash and Aretha Franklin. I don't care, as long as you can bring it. I know that's hard to believe, especially since I've been cracking about her fat ass for three weeks now, and don't get me started Elliot's ugly mug. But, in my defense, I have them as members of the final three, so clearly I'm not voting on looks. That said, if I were looking to sign her to a seven year record contract, I might encourage her to try something to manage her weight. It's a long term investment kind of thing. If she wins, I've spent an entire season of very highly rated TV time to promote her. I don't want her in a piano box coffin before I see the full return on my investment. And deep down, don't you think she'd be happier as a lighter person? I know I am. Mostly. Maybe Randy should pull her aside.

Okay, here's Paris in her dress with jeans outfit. Someone needs to explain this nonsense to me. I just don't get it. I know jeans are comfortable. I wear them every day I don't see a client. But why overlap with the dress. It doesn't make sense. I guess I'm showing my age here (33 last I checked).

On top of all that, it was an ugly dress. I don't mind the color, but it's got a lot going on on it. It's all very puzzling to me.

Here's the Pickler. They had no shortage of her moving around awkwardly. White chicks clearly dance as well as white dudes, which is to say, "not very." It just takes a cute girl and makes her awkward and weird. I stand by my support of Dave Chappelle mocking white people. We are awkward and strange. It's hard to imagine how we came to own the world.

This is Melissa and her average belly. I tried to find the picture that showed what I'm talking about best, though last week's outfit better illustrated the point.

It's not that her belly and love handles are really big, it's just that they aren't even one standard deviation above average. I think that's the line we have to draw, as a society, for when it's acceptable to show belly/handles on TV. You have to be one sigma up or one down from the average. So, when Farley did the Chippendale's bit, that was acceptable. Whereas when Mike Meyers goes shirtless, it's somehow more icky. On the flip side of things, The Pickler can show her belly (as long as she doesn't move) while Mellissa shouldn't. On the up side, I think her time is up, so maybe we won't be faced with this question going forward.

Here's Kinnik. Aside from my mouse pointer, she looks pretty good. I like the print and her hair, the whole package. And I think she can sing. Too bad she's almost definitely going home this week. I think there's no reason to spend more ink on her.

Lisa and her straight hair. She just looks the part. And she can sing too. Nice dress too. I like it when people can put themselves together. Probably because I'm so lousy at it. Oh well.

Just found the pictures and felt like sharing. Next up, the guys.