We are living / in the age / in which the pursuit of all values / other than / money, succes, fame, glamor / has either been discredited or destroyed. / MONEY, SUCCESS, FAME, GLAMOUR / for we are livining the Age of the Thing. -From the Party Monster Soundtrack
This Space is a natural reaction to the AGE of the THING.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Administrative Stuff - New Design

Okay, this is the last time.

I have updated the layout for what should be the final time. It took hard work, and some great graphic work by Shana on my Andy Warhol - Commie Propoganda Portrtait, but it is finally done. That's what it's gonna look like. I hope you all enjoy it. Please leave your comments, though I dunno if I'm gonna change it up, regardless.
