We are living / in the age / in which the pursuit of all values / other than / money, succes, fame, glamor / has either been discredited or destroyed. / MONEY, SUCCESS, FAME, GLAMOUR / for we are livining the Age of the Thing. -From the Party Monster Soundtrack
This Space is a natural reaction to the AGE of the THING.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Film Review - Transamerica & St. Louis Cinema's Moolah Shrine Cinema

Transamerica (2005) - IMDB

Transamerica - Official Site

I went to see Transamerica at the Moolah Shrine Cinema & Bowl here in the Lou (Saint Louis, MO for those not from here). It's the third movie I've seen there, and each time I feel they could do things better or have arranged the theater better, but I've enjoyed everything I've seen there. My previous complaints have been about the width of the room and the tendency for the good seats to go really fast. I think they could have planned for the room better with a curved screen and a proper adjustment to the focus of the projector. This time, I actually sat in line with the screen, though still off to the side a little. My gripe now is something my wife brought up; the screen is tilted upwards, which probably works for people in the balcony, but creates problems for people sitting on the floor. With the lack of tiered seats, a downward tilt would probably work better. I think that next time I go, I will sit in the balcony. I will report at such a time as I have more to share.

On to the movie. I really enjoyed this movie. I'm a big fan of actors taking risky roles, and Felicity Huffman playing a pre-op transsexual is a big risk, especially when you get to see her genetalia. She is wonderful in the role and there never comes a moment when I felt like she wasn't Brie, the pre-op. And I've even met Felicity Huffman in person about 4-5 years ago at my office manager job. The subject matter of the movie is maybe a little over the top, but, for me, it never really reaches a point of non-believability. The actor who plays Brie's kid is alternatively open to experience, apparently delusional, sullen and invisible. But he's pretty good when he's on. The rest of the cast fill various roles, explaining why our characters are how they are, helping or hindering them, and generally giving a great backdrop for Felicity Huffman to do her thing.

In the short of it, I saw three of the five nominees for the Golden Globes best actress in a drama movie. I liked all three of the actresses, but Felicity wins handsdown for me. Definitely a flick to go see if the subject matter isn't going to turn you off. And if it is, maybe you need to do a double feature of Brokeback Mountain and Transamerica. Then watch the entire season of Logo's TransGeneration.


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