Movie Recommendation - Why We Fight - From INTP List
Why We Fight (2005)
I got a recommendation for this flick from my INTP email group. I'm eager to see it, but I hate the Bushies like I like myself. Constantly. I will review when I see it. I dunno when that will be, but look for it.
I also got a link to a place where you can download a torrent file for this. I am not in favor of downloading movies. I don't believe (as the movie industry used to claim) that it takes money from ordinary union workers. It doesn't, since they are paid on an hourly basis and don't get any profit participation, gross or net. It does hurt DVD sales, which I think a little thinking by consumers would hurt immensely.
How many times do you actually watch a DVD you own? How many times do you look at the Extras on the DVD? What does it cost to rent said movie from Blockbuster or NetFlix? And what did you pay to own this DVD?... if you answer this honestly, you will own about 10% of the DVD's you currently own. I would too.I digress. Downloads really only hurt studio execs, shareholders, and big stars, directors and huge writers. I don't think these people should be hurt, but I suspect they can all afford a certain degree of this going on.
I am against downloading movies from a cinophile perspective. I have a 19" monitor and a 27" TV. I have nice speakers attached to my computer and great speakers attached to my TV. I do not have a home theater, but even if I did, it doesn't change this fact. Movies are meant to be seen on a VERY large screen. Most movies do not translate well (yet I have a medium sized DVD collection). You should go see movies in the theater, and then download them or watch them on DVD. But always first in the theater, because movies are better in the theater (unless you have a crappy theater).
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