We are living / in the age / in which the pursuit of all values / other than / money, succes, fame, glamor / has either been discredited or destroyed. / MONEY, SUCCESS, FAME, GLAMOUR / for we are livining the Age of the Thing. -From the Party Monster Soundtrack
This Space is a natural reaction to the AGE of the THING.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Who I am. Why I'm here. Why you should care. An Introduction.

Hello all. Welcome to my new blog. Lemme 'splain what's going on here.

I made a New Year's resolution to write for (at least) half an hour a day, five days out of every seven, excluding holidays. The reasons for this are varied, but let's allow the following to suffice: when I am happy, I am writing regularly (or vice versa). I want this as a part of my constant effort to make my marriage work and be the person that my wife deserves.

That's me. What about this blog? I am constantly amazed at the amount of stuff that comes to me through both snail and e- mail. Beyond bills and privacy statements and personal correspondence, I am inundated with catalogs, progressive advocacy requests (I am politically progressive, so this shouldn't be a surprise), ads, NRA fundraisers (never have and likely never will get a nickel outta me), and today, a missive from St. Matthew's Churches in Tulsa OK.

So, I thought this would be a good way to turn that junk into something interesting. As we progress, I hope to find the space to scan this stuff so you can see the snail mail. I will also find a way to share the emails in such a way as to protect the privacy of the sender but still share it.

Off we go, into the wild virtual yonder.


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