Gay Rights: My Position - A Conversation from the newsgroup
Google Groups :
As I may have noted before, I live a mostly Low Carb life. I belong to a newsgroup that functions in support of that lifestyle, as noted above. The discussion ranges far and wide from dieting and eating low carb, especially in this post-Google era, where everything ever written is easy to find.
Any rate, some moron, Captain BlubberSlap, trolled the group (and several others) with a rant about fat people. I responded ( and noted that fat and gay are pretty much the only socially acceptable prejudices left in America, and both are sad comments on our society.
Another poster, Observer, rang back with the common false equivalence of priests who are also child molesters. I corrected this notion, noting that I don't support child molestation, straight or gay. Observer rang back with the common myth that gay people are more likely to be child molesters and promiscuous.
I thought people might be interested in my response to Observer's comments. My contention is that homosexuals deserve the same treatment as heterosexuals. That doesn't include license to have sex with children, or to inappropriate public sex acts. But if straight people can be slutty, why not gay people? If straight people can cruise bars, free from fear of abuse, why not gay people? I believe the operative word in heterosexual people and homosexual people has to be "people". If you accept that they are people, first, then have a sexual preference, the issue becomes a lot clearer.
Thomas Jefferson wrote that all men are created equal. That was a self evident truth back in the 1770's. We've updated that to include all kinds of men, including black men and wo-men. Gay people are "men" too, and their equality should be self evident as well.
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