Message from the Voices inside my Brain -- You Really DO like Jewel Music
At various times during the past week or so, I have had Jewel's "Hands" stuck in my head. Just the chorus. Actually, just the first two lines of the chorus. Since it has been so persistently in heavy rotation on the playlist of the radio station in my mind, I am left to wonder.
Am I really a fan of Jewel Music?I don't think I am. The fact that I can only recall one song that I don't like, and that I think of it as torture to have it in heavy rotation, would seem to speak to my fandom. But perhaps my unconscious is a big fan of Jewel's. Or at least a minor fan, since it only knows two lines to a less than major song.
Part of me blames Joe Rogan for Jewel being stuck in my head. On his comedy disc, "I'm Gonna Be Dead Someday", he drops a line about Jewel while talking in his girl voice about how love is supposed to be. The disc is funny from top to bottom (except the song, but that's a whole other thesis paper: Why do comedians insist on putting one musical track on otherwise great comedy discs?), and this is a throwaway line, about how women view long term romance vs. the reality. Jewel music is thrown in with candles and long walks contrasted with sex, doggy style, wearing a helmet. I think that's what put the Jewel music in my head.
If you believe in God and the Devil, you might suggest that the bad songs that get stuck in your head are the work of Satan. But if you believe that, I think you should knock out all of your teeth and see what the tooth fairy will give you for them. Maybe it's karma. When you are a less than great human, you get muzak on your mind. Ghandi and Mother Teresa must have had great inner soundtracks. Genghiz Khan probably got a lot of Christian Rock, which explains the whole invasion of Europe. Or maybe your unconscious, being all unconscious and what not, just can't tell music you like from everything else.
I think I might have to accept the fact that my unconscious is not particularly crazy about my conscious mind. Maybe it just doesn't like me. Why else would it torture me? Right now, I'm listening to Nas's "Rule" but I have Jewel as the background singer. While I think this could make a great mash up, it's very rough at the moment. Maybe my unconscious doesn't like me. That balances the equation.
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