We are living / in the age / in which the pursuit of all values / other than / money, succes, fame, glamor / has either been discredited or destroyed. / MONEY, SUCCESS, FAME, GLAMOUR / for we are livining the Age of the Thing. -From the Party Monster Soundtrack
This Space is a natural reaction to the AGE of the THING.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Administrative Stuff - New Banners and Logos

So, if you're checking back frequently, you might have noticed some new stuff on the right, towards the bottom of the page. A bunch of logos & stuff. "What's up with that?," you may be asking. So, I'm telling.

First, there is my syndication feed.

For those of you in the know, or interested in getting there, you can apparently get my blog delivered to your email or news program or something by subscribing using something called ATOM. I am unclear of how it works, but I am sure ten minutes with Google will make it clear. You can always just look here at the main site if you have the time, but I think this adds a layer of convenience for those who want it.

Next down is my counter, from a great Italian firm called Shiny Stat.
Blog counters
They have all kinds of reports if you are willing to pay them, and they give you a bunch of nice reports even if you aren't. It would be great if they made a transparent counter, but I think you have to pay to get that. Any rate, if you are curious about the viewership patterns of my site, you can click it, and it will bring you a nifty report without my password. For more, you have to have the password, but you can't have that. If I think it's interesting, they send me a weekly report by email, so I can always share that.

For those of you who don't use Firefox, I put in a Google Search Bar. I think I might get some fractional pennies if you search with it, so be my guest. Look up all kinds of stuff.

Finally, I have added a link to People for the American Way, a progressive organizing group.
People For the American Way
I get mail from them ALL THE TIME and will likely comment on it from time to time. If you want to be aware of what's going on around you, and get a left-spin to balance your Foxified news, sign up and maybe even kick em five bucks. That's all I've given, and they continue to try and get blood from this turnip.


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